Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Argument For Inerrancy and the King James Bible: Complete Essay

For a complete copy of The Argument for Inerrancy and the King James Bible in PDF format please click here.

If you are finding the information presented on this Blog helpful please let me know. What topics are you interested in reading about?

1 comment:

Linda said...

I did leave a comment but it didn't come through!!

Great stuff on the KJV and so glad to have it in a format that can be shared easily.

Pastor Bruscha speaking about the mind of Christ tonight said that the mind of Christ is not that we have Christ's mind but that the Word is the mind of Christ. So simple...and this ole saint never thought of it that way.

Some topics which interest me:

-Moral character of Jesus Christ.
-How to pray for the captured soldier in Afganistan.
-Inter-dispensational truths.
-Psalms as they relate to the inner man of our Lord Jesus as He identifies with Israel and us.

More but that's a start. Hope this get's to the comment section.